When was the last time you had a good chuckle? Like many people, you probably love the opportunity to laugh, but it seems like those opportunities are often few and far between.
There is a reason why many people say that laughter is the best medicine. It is because it makes us feel good on the inside and it can even have benefits for the outside. Studies have shown that laughing can really improve your health.
The joke that we have for you here is one that made us chuckle and we caught ourselves giggling later in the day when we thought about it. It’s one of those jokes you don’t hear often, but it is one that you will tell everyone with a listening ear.
I recently spent $6,500 on this registered Black Angus bull. I put him out with the herd but he just ate grass and wouldn’t even look at a cow.
I was beginning to think I had paid more for that bull than he was worth. Anyway, I had the Vet come and take a look at him.
He said the bull was very healthy, but possibly just a little young.
so he gave me some pills to feed him once per day.The bull started to service the cows within two days. All of my cows! He even broke through the fence and bred with all of my neighbor’s cows!
He’s like a machine! I don’t know what was in the pills the Vet gave him … but they kind of taste like peppermint.