Probably the worst guess in Wheel of Fortune history

Probably the worst guess in Wheel of Fortune history



If you were the contest winner or even if you just did okay, you would want everyone to see the show. But what if you made a huge mistake? How would you react? Shall you hide your face in shame or laugh?

Matt, a Wheel of Fortune contestant, made what might be the worst mistake in the show’s history. He gave an elaborate performance and won $23,350. Yet, his big error overshadowed the entire episode.

The goal in this round was to complete a word puzzle quickly. The puzzle was three words in the category “people.” Matt had two options: guess a letter or the entire sentence.

He chose to guess the letter “N.” The puzzle then looked like this: N_ T – _ N _ R _ T _ _ N TH_.

Matt needed a moment to figure it out.

To everyone’s surprise, he guessed “The Greatest Buttercut.”

This answer didn’t even contain an “N.” The correct answer was “THE NEXT GENERATION.” You can see the amusing error here.

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