Price Is Right’s host Drew Carey was in DISBELIEF as he watched an UNUSUAL MISHAP occur while an episode was airing

Price Is Right’s host Drew Carey was in disbelief as he watched an unusual mishap occur while an episode was airing.

The Price Is Right player celebrates after winning car

It’s not often that The Price is Right has a mishap or even a small blunder as Drew Carey and the CBS game show’s team run a smooth ship.

However, one majorly rare mistake happened once that left Carey and everyone in shock while an episode aired.

The unusual blunder happened during the January 24th episode in 2017, as the host began a new round with a massive prize up for grabs: an espresso machine, a thermal programmable coffee maker, and a coffee bean grinder by Cuisinart.

It was carted on to the stage via a flatbed that was pulled by a small-scale train engine.

The prize sat on top of a small table on the flatbed as a presenter stood close by, but that wasn’t the best choice.

Price Is Right's Drew Carey.

The table was noticably shaky as announcer George Gray revealed the specks on the items.

Carey then had each contestant guess the price of the package, but as the last player announced his price, there was a big crash.

The noise prompted gasps from the live audience before cameras even showed what happened to viewers at home.

When the cameras paned to the side, they revealed that the entire prize had fallen and smashed to tiny pieces.

As everyone shouted, Carey just gave a nervous laugh as the last contestant comically changed his amount to $1.

“Whoops,” Carey laughed before telling viewers that they won’t be seeing the Price Train for awhile.

In the comments section of a YouTube video of the moment, one fan yubi joked: “The guy changing his bid to one dollar was the crowning touch. But I do have to give them credit for not even trying to edit the mishap out.”

A second commenter agreed: “That guy who said ‘one dollar’ is the best person on that show this year,” as a third laughed: “Buddy killed it with the ‘1 dollar’ line.”

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